![]() Oxygen binding and cooperation in hemoglobin. (source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hb-animation2-zh.gif) |
Mr. Szerminski's Science Resource Page |
Weekly homework posted here Note: This work does not include labs performed in class, videos shown and other curriculum material. It is intended to help students deal with absences as best as possible by doing text work covered. Assemblies, fire drills and other disruptions may occasionally alter actual sections covered in class.
Technical info for viewing
Free Adobe Acrobat Reader required for viewing PDF files,
clicking here.
MS Office or the free Word Viewer are needed to view Word (.DOC) files. MS Office or the free Powerpoint Viewer are needed to view .PPT files. |
Use of Scientific Language & Info on Sources of Error and Lab Guidelines
Links to files may be posted here. The google calendar above is the most important link for this course.
SPH4UTextbook (pword required) New: link to solution manual
Great Web App to Check your Projectile Motion Problems
Please use the Google calendar (listed at top of page) for weekly homework.
Textbook (pword
required) New: link to solution manual
Please use the Google calendar (listed at top of page) for
weekly homework.
Great Web App for playing arounding with adding Vectors (2, 3, 4 or 5)
Stowe Assignment Stowe-export.GPX Stowe-export.XLSX
Great Web App to Check your Projectile Motion Problems
Great Free Physics Text on Waves (additional resource for you)
Courses I'm not teaching this semester:
Grade 10 Science Text -- general password required
When we get to Biology, from home, download the Frog Dissection software
(100MB) ZIP
Exam Review (answers are last 3 pgs)
Textbook (pword
required) New: link to solution manual
Sample Observations -- these are adequate (the student could of drawn lines using a ruler in his tables for full marks)
Note re: molecule project (to be introduced by end of Sept.): the following molecules are taken: thalidomide, caffeine, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), bisphenol A (BPA), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin C -- sample Vit. C project PowerPoint as presented by Mr. Szerminski in class in ~ 7min.
Old Nelson 11 Chemistry Text (2002?) + Solution Manual (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, only "Solutions" & "Student Text Pages" pages work.)
Use of Scientific Language & Info on Sources of Error and Lab Guidelines
Search "molar mass calculator" on Google to find one of many Java applets that allow you to calculate molar mass. Or, download a very small and simple Windows executable from: http://www.chem4free.info/mcdalton/Great Pea Mole Analogy PPT Mr.Szerminski's YouTube Stoich Basics Video
Make sure you're logged in the Chrome Web Browser. Log into smcdsb.on.ca and link to the Google-Doc Stoich Spreadsheet. You'll only be able to "view" until you go to File -> Make a Copy. Share the copy with everyone in your group so you can edit from anywhere, including home.
Exam Review (handed out) -- answers at end of documentExcellent Simulations from PhET sometimes shown in class. Pretty Good CrashCourse Chemistry Videos on YouTube
ESPECIALLY FOR GR. 12 -- Here are instructions for accessing academic journals. At home first try: http://search.epnet.com and if you're not presented with a login screen then go to: http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=uid . Full text is available for the journal Science and full text is available for the journal Nature (Nature has a 12 month delay (embargo) set by publisher).
Click here for the Wikipedia link to Periodic table: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodic_Table
A site where many different types of molecules are available to view: http://www.molecularmodels.ca/molecule/molecule_index.html
To look up information about a certain compound try: http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ Dynamic Periodic Table (Ptable)
To download RASMOL (also called Raswin) for looking at 3D molecules (.pdb files) go to: http://openrasmol.org for Windows or to download iMOL for Macs go to http://www.pirx.com The Protein database is now at http://www.rcsb.org
Download ChemSketch install file (36Mb) for drawing and naming organic molecules or ISIS Draw: DRAW24.EXE installation file (7Mb). Here is a picture to remind you of the main functions you may wish to use within ISIS Draw: isis_draw_tutorial.gif .SNC1D Grade 9 Science Text -- general password required
SBI3U LINK to Nelson11 Bio Solution Manual